Update on Radome Project


I write on behalf of the MIT Radio Society to share some long-awaited good news.

After a years-long process involving countless hours of meeting, writing, negotiating, and planning across half a dozen entities within MIT—

After an intense, large-scale fundraising campaign to save the W1XM station atop the Green Building Roof—

We did it. We met our goal.

We will keep our station, and we will get a shiny new radome around the 18-ft “big dish”.

Better yet—these facilities will be radically improved and brought up to the state of the art in the process of the overall rooftop renovation project, with infrastructural upgrades to ensure functionality for decades.

This wonderful result was made possible by an extremely generous donation of $1.6M by Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) as well as donations and support from you - our alumni, members of the MIT community, and friends of amateur radio. We spread the word far and wide, calling for assistance—and you listened. Together, we made this happen.

For this I can only say: thank you!

You can read more about this effort on MIT News here. Stay tuned for further major updates as the project moves forward over the coming year and a half.


Milo J. Hooper AI1XR
President, W1XM
MIT Class of 2021