March 8, 2019
Kirk Kolenbrander reception
Reception for celebrating Kirk Kolenbrander’s service to MIT W1MX opened and attended Kirk Kolenbrander’s farewell party. Alex LaGrassa opened by transmitting to him in Morse code : “W1FA thank you for your service to MIT, from W1MX” from the W1MX station. Here is a group photo with Matt Goldstein, Christian Haughwout, Sarah Greer, Daniel Sheen and Kirk Kolenbrander (left to right). …
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February 5, 2019
Officers Elected 2019
Elected Officers for 2019-2020 W1MX - MIT Radio Society W1MX President: Christian Haughwout KC1EDU (chaughwo at mit dot edu) W1MX Vice President: Tyler Lerner KC3LOF (tylerl at mit dot edu) W1MX Treasurer: Sarah Greer KI7TGW (sygreer at mit dot edu) W1MX Secretary: Mitch Berger N2YIC (mitchb at mit dot edu) W1MX Station Manager: Daniel Sheen KC1EPN (dsheen at mit dot edu) W1XM - UHF Repeater Association W1XM President: Jordyn Mann W1KXJ (jordynm at mit dot edu) W1XM Vice President: Alex LaGrassa KC1IXU (lagrassa at mit dot edu) W1XM Treasurer: Greg Allan KD2HUL (gr24939 at mit dot edu) W1XM Secretary: Joey Murphy KJ0EY (tjmurphy at mit dot edu) W1XM Station Manager: Quentin Smith AB1IZ (quentin at mit dot edu) …
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December 13, 2018
Fall protection training Walker upper roof
Radio society members are running through fall protection procedures in order to maintain the GlenMartin tower on top of Walker roof. The tower is owned by W1MX and is a useful platform for radio experimentation. It currently has an azimuth rotor on it. We plan to install an antenna for Earth-Moon-Earth communication, and an elevator motor.
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September 29, 2018
Mount Washington Field Day
Over the weekend, some W1MX members went up to Mount Washington in New Hampshire to test 40m with a low noise floor and high altitude. Frigid temperatures meant running operations from the trunk of the car. We used an Orion 2 transceiver with a built in preamp with a wire dipole strung between two rocks. We successfully made QSOs over SSB with people over the east coast from Maine to Florida, and heard call signs from Europe, though they were not able to hear us.…
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July 21, 2018
VHF Field Day
The club went on a short road trip to Lake Dennison Recreational Area to practice setting up a VHF field station in preparation for a trip up a mountain. They brought a 73cm yagi, and 6M dipole antenna. Power to the radio was supplied through a generator and battery.
Not bringing an antenna analyzer made tuning difficult, but now W1MX has practice setting up a tower with a Yagi, and dipoles on trees.…
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June 25, 2018
Field Day 2018
W1MX participated in Field Day, an annual ARRL event where stations leave their usual locations to operate in more public areas, often outside. The main purposes are outreach and emergency preparedness. W1MX set up 2 dipole antennas on 40m and 80m anchored to higher floors of Stata, with the field station set up on the fourth floor. We also operated a Get On The Air station from the usual station using the green wire for 160m, 80m, and Pro-96 for 20m and 40m.…
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April 25, 2018
Antenna moved from Wenham to Walker
We moved the Yagi antenna for the EME station mentioned in this page off the roof of the house of the previous owner to the workshop, currently waiting to be reassembled on Walker lower roof. We expect to assemble the antennas on the tower currently sitting on Walker lower roof over Summer 2018.
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March 31, 2018
Earth-Moon-Earth station moving to W1MX
On March 31 2018, we moved an Earth-Moon-Earth station from its former home in Wenham, MA to Walker Memorial. Some new equipment for W1MX includes a homemade 1.25kW solid state linear amplifier, LinkRF,PowerSDR, Kenwood and antenna rotator to control azimuth and elevation.
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March 8, 2012
New Officers Elected 2012
At our March, 2012 meeting we elected a new set of officers for the Radio Society and the Repeater Association. Below are a set of unofficial results.
W1MX W1MX President: Eryn Maynard KI4YUQ (eryndm at mit dot edu) W1MX Vice President: Amy Yu W1DNA (thessaly at mit dot edu) W1MX Treasurer: Keith Winstein KB9IJB (keithw at mit dot edu) W1MX Secretary: Karl Ramm N1XPB (kcr at mit dot edu) W1MX Station Manager: Ryan Kingsbury AG4ZP (kingryan at mit dot edu) W1XM W1XM President: Ben Barenblat KF5MBU (bbaren at mit dot edu) W1XM Vice President: Quentin Smith AB1IZ (quentin at mit dot edu) W1XM Treasurer: Melissa Hunt KJ6JZH (wings at mit dot edu) W1XM Secretary: Mitch Berger N2YIC (mitchb at mit dot edu) W1XM Station Manager: John Hawkinson KB1CGZ (jhawk at mit dot edu) …
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March 6, 2010
New Officers Elected 2010
At our March, 2010 meeting we elected a new set of officers for the Radio Society and the Repeater Association. Below are a set of unofficial results.
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