May 7, 2021
Update on Radome Project
I write on behalf of the MIT Radio Society to share some long-awaited good news.
After a years-long process involving countless hours of meeting, writing, negotiating, and planning across half a dozen entities within MIT—
After an intense, large-scale fundraising campaign to save the W1XM station atop the Green Building Roof—
We did it. We met our goal.
We will keep our station, and we will get a shiny new radome around the 18-ft “big dish”.…
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May 3, 2021
Steve Finberg, W1GSL SK
The MIT Radio Society is mourning the loss of Steve Finberg, W1GSL, founder of Swapfest and an active member of the club for over 40 years. Steve passed away on the evening of Friday, April 23, 2021.
To remember and celebrate Steve’s life, we have created a memorial page on this website. We also invite the community to share any stories or memories they shared with Steve by reaching out at w1gsl-memories@mit.…
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February 2, 2021
New Officers Elected
The MIT Radio Society and UHF Repeater Association elected new officers on 2 February 2021:
W1MX - MIT Radio Society W1MX President: Aaron Yeiser KC1MRF (ayeiser at mit dot edu) W1MX Vice President: Fischer Moseley KC1MRB (fischerm at mit dot edu) W1MX Treasurer: Tanner Packham KM6JEY (tpackham at mit dot edu) W1MX Secretary: Daniel Sheen KC1EPN (dsheen at mit dot edu) W1MX Station Manager: Matthew Cox KX4MM (coxm at mit dot edu) W1XM - UHF Repeater Association W1XM President: Milo Hooper AI1XR (hooper at mit dot edu) W1XM Vice President: Rihn Hong KC1MFU (rihn at mit dot edu) W1XM Treasurer: Alexander Tsao KC1MCA (alextsao at mit dot edu) W1XM Secretary: Mitch Berger N2YIC (mitchb at mit dot edu) W1XM Station Manager: Josh Noguera KC1REV (jnoguera at mit dot edu) …
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October 26, 2020
New HF Beam Installed at W1MX
After over two years of planning since it was damaged in a severe windstorm in the fall of 2018, the W1MX primary HF beam antenna, a Mosley Pro-96 that has served the club for over 20 years, was replaced on Monday. After much debate, the club decided that, given the historical performance of the Pro-96, the simplest and safest option would be to replace it with a new antenna of the same model.…
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October 22, 2020
MIT Radio Exam Team Conducts 250th Fully-Remote Exam
If you’d like to take a remote amateur radio examination with the MIT team, please visit the Ham Exams page for information about how to register for an upcoming session.
Since 1985 — just after the inception of the Volunteer Examiner (VE) system the previous year — once a month, volunteers with the MIT Radio Exam Team have offered amateur radio exams to both aspiring new operators and existing hams seeking to upgrade their license class.…
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September 17, 2020
Updated W1XM Station to Remain on Green Building Roof
When we set out in search of support in late 2019, the fate of our VHF/UHF and microwave contest and research station, W1XM, which has graced the roof of the Green Building since 1981 was far from certain. A renovation was soon to begin, and we were required to fundraise simply to preserve the space we occupied, let alone to rebuild.
Thanks to the outpouring of support from our alumni, we can now say with surety that W1XM will remain on the Green Building roof and will continue to be a resource to students for many years to come.…
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May 16, 2020
COVID-19 Response and Community Support
All in-person MIT Radio Society facilities are closed until further notice. Ham Exams and Swapfest are canceled through May. No decision has been made about June's events. Watch our website for confirmation about June's events. Remote facilities such as the W1XM repeaters are still available for the community to use and are still being maintained. The COVID-19 pandemic has directly impacted the MIT Radio Society’s operations. MIT’s campus is currently closed to students, visitors, and most staff.…
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March 19, 2020
MIT Repeater Aids in Evacuation of MIT Undergrads
Over the weekend of March 14th the MIT Repeater W1XM/R saw heavy use in coordinating the relocation of undergraduate members of the MIT Radio Society. While not formally enlisted in MIT’s emergency response, the repeater proved invaluable for individual members of the club coordinating their relocation from MIT campus.
Over the week since, the repeater has remained a hub for communication between students still in the Greater Boston area.…
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February 4, 2020
New Officers Elected
The MIT Radio Society and UHF Repeater Association elected new officers on 4 February 2020:
W1MX - MIT Radio Society W1MX President: Fischer Moseley (fischerm at mit dot edu) W1MX Vice President: Aaron Yeiser (ayeiser at mit dot edu) W1MX Treasurer: Sarah Greer KI7TGW (sygreer at mit dot edu) W1MX Secretary: Mitch Berger N2YIC (mitchb at mit dot edu) and Quentin Smith AB1IZ (quentin at mit dot edu) W1MX Station Manager: Matthew Cox KX4MM (coxm at mit dot edu) W1XM - UHF Repeater Association W1XM President: Milo Hooper KC1MNR (hooper at mit dot edu) W1XM Vice President: Rihn Hong KC1MFU (rihn at mit dot edu) W1XM Treasurer: Alexander Tsao KC1MCA (alextsao at mit dot edu) W1XM Secretary: Luis Torres AC1IC (luillo at mit dot edu) W1XM Station Manager: Josh Noguera KC1REV (jnoguera at mit dot edu) …
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January 14, 2020
MIT Radio Society Makes Contact with Arecibo Observatory
Although not in the hardest-hit earthquake zone, Puerto Rico’s Arecibo Observatory nonetheless has been affected by the recent spate of earthquakes and aftershocks. The landmark Arecibo radio telescope and ionospheric radar facility was a victim of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria in 2017.
Members of the MIT Radio Society stepped up to help in support and recovery efforts for the Arecibo Observatory on January 14th. Daniel Sheen, KC1EPN, Station Manager for the MIT Radio Society, assisted Phil Erickson, W1PJE, and Nathaniel Frissell, W2NAF, in using the MIT Station for a scheduled radio contact with Arecibo’s lead telescope operator and spectrum manager, Angel Vazquez, WP3R.…
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